2021 Patient Safety & Quality Symposium – Personal, Team and Community Engagement in the Quest for Highly Reliable Health Care

 This year’s theme focused on aligning the individual, team and community in the quest for highly reliable health care for all. In the presentations below, you will learn how to recognize the link between patient safety and burnout; cite strategies for team formation in a virtual world; and identify how to engage the community in patient safety and quality improvement efforts.

Bite-Sized Resilience During Times of Uncertainty

COVID-19 increased the already high levels of stress for healthcare workers. This presentation offers perspective in this difficult environment in addition to simple strategies for relief.
Bryan Sexton, PhD

Bryan Sexton, PhD

Director, Duke Center for Healthcare Safety & Quality
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Duke University School of Medicine

Team Overboard: How to Get Your Team Back in the Boat

Learn how to refocus team engagement, increase resilience and develop ways to get back on track.
Jan Brauer, RN, BSN, MA

Jan Brauer, RN, BSN, MA

Clinical Education Coordinator
Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital, Oregon
Rhonda Fischer, RN, BSN, CEN

Rhonda Fischer, RN, BSN, CEN

Trauma Nurse Coordinator
Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital, Oregon

The Future is Now: The Intersection Between Patient-Defined Healthcare Quality and the Social Determinants of Health

Understanding the connection between clinical outcomes and social determinants of health will help us redefine what quality means for each patient and how to improve it.
Mike Williams, FACS, MD

Mike Williams, FACS, MD

Associate Professor of Surgery and Public Policy
University of Virginia School of Medicine