Medical Professional Education Center
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Curves of the Pediatric Back: Kyphosis and Scoliosis
Blake Montgomery, MD, presents on "Curves of the Pediatric Back: Kyphosis and Scoliosis"
Breastfeeding Basics for Outpatient Pediatricians: Supporting Mom and Baby Until the Milk Comes In
Leanne DePalma, MD, presents on "Breastfeeding Basics for Outpatient Pediatricians: Supporting Mom and Baby Until the Milk Comes In."
At Barnes-Jewish Hospital, A Wider Organ Donor Pool Saves Lives
The DCD program at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and WashU Medicine was initiated in response to the increasing waiting periods for heart transplants, despite the 2018 changes in organ allocation aimed at reducing wait list mortality.
Advanced Heart Valve Procedures Expand Treatments for Patients With Limited Options
Heart specialists at the Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Heart & Vascular Center in St. Louis, Mo., are pioneering advances that enhance the quality of life for patients who have historically suffered debilitating symptoms with ...
Osseointegration Offers Enhanced Quality of Life to Patients With Residual Limbs
It’s estimated that more than half a million people in the United States experience limb loss annually.
Congenital Syphilis: An Epidemic Driven by Social Determinants of Health
Elizabeth Daniels, MD, discusses how congenital syphilis can lead to stillbirth, prematurity and significant neonatal morbidity.
Understanding Autonomic Dysfunction in Children
Shannon Jenkin Swiney, PNP, presents on the pathophysiology of the autonomic nervous system as well as the diagnosis, management and treatment of Autonomic Dysfunction.