

Bite-Sized Resilience During Times of Uncertainty

Stressed during uncertain times? If you, your staff or your colleagues are feeling particularly spent, it is probably because the level of emotional exhaustion in healthcare workers was already at an all-time-high before COVID-19, with one out of three people already meeting the criteria for burnout. In this enlightening and entertaining module, we will provide some perspective, hope and simple strategies to try during tense times.

Personal engagement video featuring local work by:

  • Raquel Cabral, PhD, CPH on Burnout
  • Karen Looper, BSN, RN, CPN on St. Louis Children’s Hospital WeCare program
  • Shirley Repta, PhD, RN, MBA and Cathy Powers, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC on the Barnes-Jewish Hospital You Matter Cart

Speakers share information on programs supporting personal resiliency:

  • Resident resources for confidential counseling and support
  • SLCH support program for those who have been involved in a patient safety event and need counseling and support to move forward and deal with feelings of guilt and anxiety
  • BJH You Matter Cart literally rolled out to the hospital providing brief moments of joy through songs, selection of personal items such as lavender sachets, journals, pizza or cafeteria coupons to say thank you and you matter.

View All Videos from Patient Safety & Quality Symposium 2021

Created by

Medical Professional Education Center


Bryan Sexton, PhD

Bryan Sexton, PhD

Director, Duke Center for Healthcare Safety & Quality
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Duke University School of Medicine

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